[Dutch-chapter] Advert for PhD position in Serious Gaming

Rauterberg, G.W.M. G.W.M.Rauterberg at tue.nl
Thu Feb 19 20:21:47 UTC 2009

Open position for Ph.D. student as Game Developer:
Are you computer wise with a genuine passion for programming? Do you like developing your own games? Are you keen on game controller re-design? Would you like to further this into your career? 
The Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology has an opportunity you can take to join a team for development of serious games for medical simulation, with a focus on birth delivery. You will join a multidisciplinary team for the development of the game and you will also enroll as a PhD candidate within our department.
We are on the lookout for talented and enthusiastic programmers with game development experience. The successful candidate must have 1st class programming skills, game development experience preferably on XBOX or Wii consoles, a flair for realistic graphics and game interaction. You are therefore keen on both developing games and designing/engineering specialized game controllers; you will also have evidences of game development and/or (re)design of game controllers.
Because of the short delays for the recruitment, People who have clearance to work in The Netherlands will be given priority.

Vacancy also available soon at http://w3.tue.nl/en/services/dpo/excellent_jobs_for_excellent_people/vacancies/vacancies_industrial_design/

Please send a written application or e-mail, including a letter explaining your specific interest in the project and extensive curriculum vitae, to the following address:

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Department of Industrial Design
Attn. Dr Ben Salem, room HG 2.89
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Or by e-mail to: b.i.salem at tue.nl

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