[DiGRA UK] PhD (AHRC fully funded) on AI in Analogue and Digital Games at Manchester Metropolitan University

Paul Wake P.Wake at mmu.ac.uk
Tue Jun 5 21:33:51 UTC 2018

?Hi All,

We've a fully-funded AHRC PhD Scholarship (3 yrs) on Artificial Intelligence in Analogue and Digital Games to commence in September 2018 at Manchester Metropolitan University.

The PhD studentship is designed to initiate new research into AI as it takes an analogue form within contemporary table top games (e.g., board, card and roleplaying games). In order to examine the differing behavioural, experiential, and design aspects as they relate to the materiality of AI across a wide range of often intersecting platforms, the research on analogue AI will take place alongside an investigation of AI in digital games.

More details here:


Candidates must have a relevant connection with the UK in order to qualify for a full award. This includes candidates who have been ordinarily resident in the UK throughout the 3-year period preceding the date of application and resident for this 3-year period for reasons other than education. Candidates from EU countries other than the UK are eligible for full awards maintenance and tuition fees if they have been resident in the UK for at least three years prior to the start of their programme. Candidates from EU countries who have not resided in the UK for three years prior to the start of their programme will be eligible for a fees-only award.


If you're interested please do get in touch with me (p.wake at mmu.ac.uk).


Dr Paul Wake | Reader in English Literature | Department of English | GM404, Geoffrey Manton Building | Rosamond St West
Manchester Metropolitan University | M15 6LL | 0161 247 4667

Office hours: Please email me to make an appointment.
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