[DiGRA Italia] Call for applications - GAMES Science Winter School - 2-8 November 2019, Lucca

Ennio Bilancini ennio.bilancini at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 11:52:46 UTC 2019

Dear all,

I would kindly ask you to circulate this call among people you know that
might be interest.

My apologies for potential cross-posting.



The 1st Game Science Winter School (GAMES WIS) will take place at the
campus of IMT School of Advanced Studies in Lucca, Italy, in the period 2-8
November 2019, in collaboration with Lucca Comics & Games 2019 and CMON ltd.

The GAMES WIS is a unique residential workshop on the science and practice
of games and gaming (more details can be found here:

In the GAME WIS, alongside standard lessons, participants will have a
unique opportunity to design a proposal for a game, together with other
participants, under the supervision of professional game designers from
CMON ltd (you can find a detailed program here:

The best game proposal will be used in a research project on the impact of
games for social change that I will conduct in collaboration with Lucca
Crea (here is an example: https://www.blutubegeal.it/home/)

Note that, thanks to the generosity fo Lucca Crea, the participation to the
GAMES WIS grants the level up ticket for all 5 days of Lucca Comics & Games
2019. Some details on the level up ticket:


Please note also that we can admit a limited number of people and we will
follow a first-come first-served rule.

In order to apply write to gameswis at imtlucca.it attaching a cv and a short
motivation letter (less than 1 page).


Prof. Ennio Bilancini

Coordinator of the GAMES WIS

IMT School for Advanced Studies

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