[Dutch-chapter] Program Symposium Health Games, Utrecht

Veltkamp, R.C. (Remco) R.C.Veltkamp at uu.nl
Mon May 29 19:29:05 UTC 2017

 (Apologies for cross-posting)
Symposium Health Games
Participation is for free; please register by announcing your presence at <gameresearch at uu.nl<mailto:gameresearch at uu.nl>>.
2 June 2017, 9.30-16 h.
David de Wied Building, room M201, https://www.uu.nl/en/david-de-wied-building
Health games - or games with a focus on health, healthcare, and well-being - are interactive virtual worlds for playing, training, and learning, often in a form of simulation. They are used for instance to train for rehabilitation, train for prevention, assessment of health condition, and to teach facts and skills.
Using game elements such as posing challenges, giving feedback, offering different levels, and providing social relations, users can play, train, and learn in a safe environment.
This symposium, organized by the Utrecht Research Focus Area Game Research, brings together experts in the fields of game design and development, psychology, neuro science, physiotherapy, and data and computer science. The program offers presentations from game researchers, developers, companies, and medical experts. A demo market offers a range of live game demos.
  9.30-10.00 Welcome, coffee
10.00-10.15 Introduction
10.15-10.45 Mary Dankbaar (Erasmus MC):
                      The effects of a simulation game on the skills and motivation of doctors and students
10.45-11.15 Wouter Boendermaker (Utrecht University):
                      Training behavioral control in adolescents using a serious game
11.15-11.45 Lauriane Spreij (UMC Utrecht), Hans Bouwknegt (Atoms2Bits):
                      The virtual supermarket: virtual reality simulations in cognitive rehabilitation
11.45-12.15 Agali Mert (Ciran):
                      Games, VR, Robots, Artificial Intelligence: all a matter of good design
12.15-13.15 lunch
13.15-13.45 Yun Ling (Utrecht University): Exercise games for rehabilitation after hip replacement surgery
13.45-14.15 Jan Willem Huisman (IJsfontein):
                      Why is it so difficult to bring the serious into games?
14.15-14.45 Anouk Tuijnman (Trimbos Institute and Radboud University Nijmegen):
                      Applied Games and Mental Health: Moving Stories
14.45-16.00 Demos, drinks and bites:
                     Hans Bouwknegt (Atoms2Bits), Lauriane Spreij (UMC Utrecht): The Virtual Supermarket
                      Yun Ling (Utrecht University): The Fietsgame
                      Milan van der Kuil (Leiden University): Neuropsychology of Navigation
                      Anouk Tuinman (Trimbos Institute and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen): Moving Stories
                      Paula van Ooik (UMC Utrecht): DiagnostiGO
                      Harold de Groot (ShoSho): The Fling

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