[Dutch-chapter] Invitation to public lecture by Janet H. Murray

René Glas r.glas at uu.nl
Tue May 16 08:44:35 UTC 2017

Dear all,

We cordially invite you to a public lecture by renowned digital media
scholar Janet H. Murray on Monday May 22 at the Academiegebouw, Domplein
29, Utrecht.

The lecture, titled *Who's Afraid of the Holodeck: Facing the Future of
Digital Narrative without Ludoparanoia.* will start at 15.00 at the
Academiegebouw. Afterwards there will be drinks. Both the lecture and
drinks are free, though the amount of seats are limited. Please register
through the link at the bottom of this email.

Janet H. Murray's seminal book *Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of
Narrative in Cyberspace*
has been an essential read for everyone interesting in the future of
storytelling through digital media. Her work has been critical in
establishing the foundational thinking about the potential of games as
storytelling platforms within the then emerging field of game studies.
Recently, an updated version
<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/hamlet-holodeck-0> of *Hamlet on the
Holodeck*was released which renewed a long-lasting discussion
the relationship between games and narratives, showing that the book's
concepts are still seen as both relevant and controversial. As an
internationally recognized interaction designer, Murray kept pushing
boundaries of digital media's potential resulting in the book *Inventing
the Medium: Principles of Interaction Design as a Cultural Practice*
<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/inventing-medium>(2011), hailed by Henry
Jenkins as "an epic accomplishment, one which we will all be mining for
years to come". Murray currently is Ivan Allen College Dean's Professor at
the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture, Georgia Institute of

The lecture is hosted by Utrecht University's *Focus Area Game Research
<https://www.uu.nl/en/research/game-research>*, and the professorship
Narrative Design
the HKU.

The programme will look as follows:

15.00-15.15. Doors open

15.15-16.00 Lecture

16.00-16.30 Q&A

16.30-17.30 drinks

To register, go to:
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