[Dutch-chapter] meeting game researchers Friday 21 september

Jeroen Jansz J.Jansz at uva.nl
Mon Sep 10 20:33:38 UTC 2007

Dear game researchers,


In 2006-2007 we had four successful meetings of game researchers organised by DiGRA.nl and AGS. I am happy to announce that we will continu this collaboration in 2007-2008. The financial support of AGS enables us to meet again in the attractive rooms of The Faculty Club "Helios". 


Our meetings are scheduled on Fridays, 1500-1800 on the following days:

21 September 2007

14 December 2007

14 March 2008

30 May 2008


Please note: our first meeting is in a different room: Belle van Zuylen zaal, in the Academiegebouw, Address: Domplein, Utrecht (15.00-18.00 hrs).


The program of our first meeting: 

15:00 Welcome (with coffee and tea)

15:15 First presentation by Anton Nijholt (University Twente)


Play with Your Brains


Until now Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI) has mainly been applied and investigated for medical reasons. Recently we see initiatives to apply BCI for 'healthy' users and game companies are releasing BCI-based software development kits. In this talk we survey the possible use of BCI in games and the possible use of games for BCI. In particular we look at the large-scale Dutch SmartMix project BrainGain in which BCI for games will be investigated.


16:15 Second presentation by Arjan Egges (AGS Utrecht)


Real-time Animation of Interactive Characters in Games and Virtual Environments


Realistically animating characters in games still involves quite a lot of manual work by the animators. Additionally, many character motions are ignored in games, such as realistically picking up objects or opening doors. In this presentation, we will discuss some existing techniques that may help to facilitate the animation process, as well as present some ideas on how real-time manipulation and navigation actions can be added to games and virtual environments. We will also talk about our ongoing motion analysis experiments with the motion capture lab, that form the basis for our research in navigation and manipulation.


17:15 Drinks 


Participation in this meeting is free. It is necessary, though, to register on the following website:


http://www.gameresearch.nl/gamedag.html <http://www.gameresearch.nl/gamedag.html> 

I do hope to see you all Friday 21,


Also on behalf of Marinka Copier (DiGRA.nl) and Mark Overmars (AGS), 


Jeroen Jansz (DiGRA.nl)   

Dr Jeroen Jansz
University of Amsterdam
Department of Communication Science
The Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Oost Indisch Huis, Room D 109a
Kloveniersburgwal 48
1012 CX Amsterdam, the Netherlands
phone: (+31) 20 525 3387
fax: (+31) 20 525 3681
email: j.jansz at uva.nl
website: http://users.fmg.uva.nl/jjansz
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